求人情報 詳細
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【国内最大手外資系グループ DX支援推進部門】 Software Developer
- 求人No.24222 / 更新日:2022-06-28
- Category: 業務・ITコンサル
募集職種 | 【国内最大手外資系グループ DX支援推進部門】 Software Developer |
仕事内容 |
Job Description As a software developer you will work in a dynamic and evolving environment following the strategic direction of our farm. You will develop, maintain and improve systems to meet particular needs, often as advised by systems architect. You will also do testing, test automation and bug fixing. Roles and Responsibilities ・ Analyzing user requirements of the software system. ・ Writing, testing and improving code. ・ Continually updating technical knowledge and skills. |
応募資格 |
Required Experiences/Skills ・ Experience of 5 years or more and less than 12 years in developing cutting edge technical solutions. ・ In-depth knowledge and experience (work/hobby) in back-end and front-end development. ・ Being able to translate architecture designs into well structured, tested and documented source code. ・ Good working knowledge of data structures, algorithms and database technologies. ・ Familiarity with programming languages is a strong plus, such as Java, Scala, Clojure, C++, C#, Swift, Python. ・ Experience working with teams with Agile/Lean approaches. Language Skills ・ Business or higher level of English communication skills. ・ Japanese communication skills helpful but not necessary. |
勤務地 | 東京 |
年収 | 要相談 |
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